Academic Design Model
ASDAN Major Achiever program is designed for students aged 12-18 to enhance their future professional and career decision-making abilities through high-quality exploration of internal interests and external careers, and helps students make their university major choices and career directions, thus facilitating their career development.
Growth Trajectory
ASDAN Major Achiever program provides students with a one-stop growth trajectory: starting with a career assessment to determine their career interests, followed by career workshops to help students gain a clearer understanding of their personal inclinations in terms of interests, abilities, and values. Finally, through the Major Achiever program, students gain external industry insights that align with their academic advancement plans.
· VN Career Assessment
Authoritative Report
Professional Guide
Interest Targeting
· ASDAN Career Workshop
Internal Exploration
· ASDAN Major Achiever Program
Position Cognition
Skill Practice
Career Development

VitaNavis Student Career Planning Platform
VitaNavis® Student Career Planning Platform is a career system developed by MyersBriggs® that includes assessments, career and major planning. Each student will have a permanent independent account. Through a series of psychological assessments, the system enlightens students about their internal career preferences, identifies their suitable career and major directions based on the career preferences on their inner self, and helps students choose their future university major directions through phased internal assessments.
VitaNavis® Student Career Planning Platform originates from the United States, which has the highest level of global career theory and application. Developed by the top psychological assessment agency, the American Myers-Briggs (the developer of the famous MBTI assessment), specifically for school career education, it has a history of academic research and application for over 85 years. With over 50 million users worldwide, it is one of the most popular student career planning systems globally. In 2021, ASDAN China and Myers-Briggs established a strategic partnership to provide career assessment services to Chinese students for the first time through a series of localized customizations of the VitaNavis® Career Assessments.
Career Workshop
Students participating in the Major Achiever will first engage in a 2-hour career workshop at the beginning of the program. Through a series of team activities, students will quickly break the ice and get to know each other. They will use the results of the VN assessment to identify their personal career interests, further explore the matching degree between themselves and their career directions and majors they are interested in, and then enlighten their career values through a values auction.