Location: Hong Kong, China | Language: Chinese | Date: 31st, Jul - 6th,Aug 2024 | Grade:9-12

Program Introduction

HKU Medicine and Life Science Training

The University of Hong Kong ranked 26th globally and 5th in Asia in the 2024 QS World University Rankings. ASDAN China, in collaboration with HKU SPACE, launches the HKU Medical and Life Sciences Training Program for secondary education, tailoring medical and life sciences training courses for high school students. HKU SPACE is an affiliated college of HKU dedicated to providing various professional learning opportunities. This program selects the medical and life sciences disciplines, covering general medicine, life sciences, clinical medicine, and pharmacotherapy, laying the groundwork for future studies in these disciplines. The theoretical lectures will be conducted in Chinese at the HKU campus by HKU instructors or frontline physicians. Students will visit the HKU Li Ka Shing Faculty to understand the requirements for studying medicine and future career development paths and engage in medical practices such as orthopedics and interpreting X-rays.


HKU Official Course

Medicine and Life Science Course led by HKU teaching faculty in the HKU campus

Key Courses on Medical and Life Science

General Practice, Life Sciences, Clinical Medicine, Pharmacotherapy, etc.

Visits to MedicalRelated Institutions

Medical Charm Exploration in Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, the University of Hong Kong

Dual Authoritative Certificates

Program Certificate issued by HKU SPACE and ASDAN Careers and Experiencing Work Certificate accredited by UCAS

Practical Training

Cutting-Edge Medicine

In-depth share of the future opportunities and challenges in the global life sciences and healthcare industries.

Field Medicine

Visit the HKU Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine to engage in medical-related practical activities.

Multidisciplinary Teaching

Core medical courses such as general medicine, life sciences, and clinical medicine.

Visits to World-Renowned University Visits

Explore the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

Sample Schedule

Institution Partners

| Institution Partners

The University of Hong Kong (HKU), founded in 1911, is one of the oldest and most influential comprehensive research universities in Hong Kong and one of the top universities in Asia. The university boasts an outstanding faculty, including 2 Nobel laureates and 3 Fields Medalists, as well as distinguished scholars and experts from around the world. With a global reputation for academic excellence, HKU continuously enhances its educational standards and nurtures generations of outstanding alumni, including prominent figures in politics, business, and academia. Equipped with world-class teaching and research facilities, the university provides students with extensive academic and cultural exchange opportunities. In the latest 2024 QS World University Rankings, HKU ranks among the top 26 universities globally and fifth in Asia, serving as a unique emblem in the Chinese higher education sector.
In 1956/57, HKU established the first extramural studies department in the Asia-Pacific region dedicated to lifelong learning, which was officially renamed the HKU School of Professional and Continuing Education (HKU SPACE) in 1992. As a member of HKU, HKU SPACE is committed to fulfilling HKU's mission of expanding lifelong learning opportunities for society. It aspires to be a leading international educational institution, providing professional and high-quality continuing education for Hong Kong and the Asia-Pacific region.

邓老师 - 曼朗心理高级咨询师

  • 美国福特汉姆大学社会工作硕士,纽约大学高级临床诊断课程进修,美国纽约州注册心理治疗师。
  • 曾就职和实习于纽约州排名前三的综合性医院(西奈山医院和纽约大学朗尼格医院)和曼哈顿地区的心理专科诊所。
  • 擅长抑郁、焦虑、自我认同、个人发展、人际关系和跨文化冲突。在女性心理健康领域也有丰富经验。
  • 陈老师 - 心理咨询师(艺术疗愈)

  • 美国春田学院艺术治疗和心理咨询硕士、美国麻省执照心理咨询师。
  • 曾在美国社区精神中心、香港青少年危机干预中心等机构工作在艺术治疗、辩证行为治疗、认知行为治疗等多个领域拥有丰富的经验。
  • 岳老师 - 精神科主任医师

  • 国家二级心理咨询师,心理治疗师上海市三甲、二甲医院精神科医教研工作近30年。
  • 上海市医师协会第三届精神科医师分会委员,国内外核心期刊发表学术论文近 30 篇。
  • 擅长处理抑郁、焦虑等情绪问题、进食障碍、青少年恐学问题、青春期问题的诊治。
  • 项目产出



    Reference Certificate

    ASDAN UK Certificate accredited by UCAS

    Program Certificate

    Photo Gallery

    Why Us

    Value of UK Overseas Study

    The ASDAN Career Exploration Award certificate is officially recommended by UCAS and is included in the official UCAS University Application Document (PS). Students can earn a number of ASDAN China quality certificates and credits through the Major Achiever Program, and the practice experience can be used in future study application documents, which will directly contribute to future overseas study applications.

    Value of USA Overseas Study

    The Major Achiever Programs are academically designed in conjunction with the "Turning the Tide" admissions initiative released by the Harvard College of Education Make Caring Common (MCC) and the Top 300 universities in the US. We will focus on the development and evaluation of students' inner character, such as empathy, perseverance, self-management and other core inner characteristics that are valued by top colleges and universities.

    Popular Majors Covering

    The Major Achiever Programs are based on application data and employment data of popular majors from popular universities, covering four categories: business; finance, science; technology, psychology; medicine, and humanity social sciences.

    Professional Experience in Real Workplace

    The program incorporates educational resources selected from top 50 universities around the world to produce courses and practical activities, and provides 100% realistic career practice scenarios in the form of front-line apprenticeships and practical training simulations. Each student spends more than 60% of their time in the program improving their professional knowledge through hands-on practice.

    First-class Courses and Instructors

    Under the guidance of top enterprise mentors in various industries, students will understandthe current situation of real industry development and employment in popular positions, andimprove professionalism and knowledge reserve.

    Authoritative Interest Assessment

    The authoritative VN Career Planning System is introduced, with exclusive career workshops designed to assist students in exploring their self-interests, abilities, and values and engaging in self-discovery, uncover personal strengths, and focus on future development directions.